(un)Compromising: The Walk...

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"Whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he [Jesus] walked." -1 John 2:6 

7:58... ...Wake up...

Tired... I put on music to motivate me to get out of bed, Surprisingly?? It's another cold morning, making the task of getting up harder.

Out of bed I find myself going to the mirror, Looking into it as if I am trying to see if I recognize the person I know named Jonah. I recognize him. And I thank the Lord that he is still here...

As I get ready for school I think about how fast this school year has gone...

...And how terrified I was of the school year beginning! At the time I thought to myself: "... new year, but same thing as last... right? Well there is one major difference... This year I live for God and God Alone."

I remember the promise that I made to the Lord on the first day to school, That this year is devoted to him. Now it seems that many of my fears have faded, Jesus has provided peace.

After I find myself thinking about this, I thank Him

I then go downstairs for breakfast and see my mother, younger brother and sister eating. I immediately begin to briefly think about them without me... their older brother around. College will bring me out of the nest and into the future... the future that is two hours away... The future that I'm not even sure of due to the fact that I haven't completed my application.

Another normal ride to school with my younger sister, I immediately silently pray that the Lord watches over the car as I drive, I've done this since the automobile accident I was in the previous year...

I think of my sister to the right of me... how much I love her and how much I regret the lack of appreciation that I used to have for her. Now, since my older brothers have moved out... she is the closest to myself that I have around... I'm glad that I have this one year to help protect her from the world... ...The world which is high school

Arrive at school...

I watch her walk over to her friends, The friends that I watch closely to see if they truly care for her. I think of the friends that I've made over the years, The friends that have come, But I mostly think in this moment of the countless ones that have gone...

Class is beginning...

...And I find myself feeling the same that I always do. I always feel weird in this class... Actually I feel weird in every class that I have on this day. This day I have four different classes as yesterday... And each class that I have today I pray for, I pray for those I come in contact with... I pray for my sister who is sitting in this same building I pray for those which I know are going through hard times... I pray for myself... I keep my eyes and ears open for opportunity to witness... ...and also I stay alert to snakes that are ready to bite the MOMENT I let my guard down.

The teacher... I listen to the numerous references that this teacher unknowingly makes to sin in America. I look around silently praying that the men in the class are not allowing the filth discussed to cultivate in their heads. I pray that the Lord continues to give us strength... I pray that the Lord continues to give me strength, For there are so many times that I fall for the same exact things that I pray others don't fall into

But, I must stay focused on the Lord...

Bell Rings...

...Class change.

People walk past me, Some strangers... ...And some familiar. I walk past those which I once loved, Those which I have gotten to know so well Those which have once had a place in my life... We walk in opposite directions now, We walk separated

We make eye contact, But we both make no connection... Like a gentle breeze, we simply walk past each-other like strangers on a busy street

I see to my right a couple making out... I see a couple with smiles on their faces... I see a couple holding hands... I see a couple looking into each other's eyes... ...Immediately I become lonely...

I begin to think and long for my wife which is out there somewhere My wife which I do not know... yet The girl out there that I pray for...

I find myself wanting a relationship... But then I remember, The Lord is working and molding me into the man that he made me for... And he is working on her... I MUST allow the Lord to work... and not rush him or compromise for less

Remembering this truth, I erase the image out of my head... Because... I MUST stay focused on the Lord and His will for me...

... I see a couple to my left gossiping ... I hear vulgar words being used by so many ... I see people practically/unknowingly worshiping each-other ... I hear a fight between a guy and a girl And I realize that over time here... I have become used to it. Used to what?

Compromise... ... It breaks my heart that this compromise hurts my soul even though I know that I am a creature of compromise.

... So I move along


People rush to get a bit to eat, I find myself rushing too... A breakfast of Pop-Tarts usually satisfy my hunger, But not today.

I get my food and sit down, I sit near the same group of people who I have been sitting next to for a while now, A group of people who so many judge... That so many overlook... That so many see nothing in them.

I see something else though... I see them for what they truly are Not whats on the outside... But strangely, whats on the inside... What's is that? I see a child of God... Just like me

At the table I can't help but to be forced to listen to the music that is playing above me... Music that almost everyone in the cafeteria will recognize... Music that is catchy... but empty. Good ol' radio... I find myself always getting sad listening to the lyrics that I once cared less of... ...Sex ...Alcohol ...Compromise I also get sad thinking... I used to listen to this... before I got saved, and before the Lord gave me new ears.

Sitting alone on the other half of their table I begin to eat... "Jonah." I silently think to myself as I use this time to relax "Jonah!" I keep eati... "JONAH...!"

I look to my left and I see one of the people at the table trying to get my attention. I turn to him and apologize for not hearing him, immediately blaming the loud music,

He laughs, agrees with me, and he asks me: "Why do you sit all the way over here, alone man?"

I reply to him: "I don't know where most of my friends sit. I recently have started eating lunch here on these days." Understandingly he begins again to talk to his friends which are near to him.

Deep down I know the truth though...

The reason why I sit here? I have been sitting here to be ready for the Lord's timing... The timing that I have been praying for... When the Lord allows an opportunity for me to witness to the group near me who so many could care less for, about the truth and love of Jesus.

...Hopefully, they ask me about my faith ...Hopefully they see my love for them with every word I say to them ...Hopefully they see that they are loved:

As I pray near them to myself... As I read the bible near them... As I talk with them...

I am waiting for the opportunity... The moment, That they turn to me and ask, "What is it that you believe in?"

I am waiting for the moment... That I can explain my walk with Jesus Christ... With a complete stranger...

But honestly?

There is still so much more that I can do...

So ask yourself... How is your walk? If your walk in the Lord is strong, then you will be sharing the news!

We must begin to be UN-Compromising Christians when it comes to our walk and ministry for the Lord Jesus Christ...

No Longer can we pass up opportunities to share the truth!

This world is decaying...

And those who are apart of it will decay along with it...

We must not be afraid or ashamed!

to not be ashamed of the Truth...

There used to be a time when you had faith like a child, but now its fading... But think! It's never too late to turn back!

When we have faith like a child?

We can't help to share it with others...

...like a child

...a child unafraid of the world.

For when we Walk in the ways of the Lord, We walk just like the Lord has walked...

The Lord walked sharing love... and the TRUTH to EVERYONE

So let's memorize 1 John 2:6 to use with us as we walk with the Lord.

And together?

We ALL WILL become,


"For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light." -Ephesians 5:8

"Whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked." -1 John 2:6